
Hefei Yuanda Bearing Forging Co., Ltd. Expansion and Forging Production Line Technical Transformation Project

Release time:2022-11-22

On April 28, 2018, Hefei Yuanda Bearing Co., Ltd. accepted the project in strict accordance with relevant national laws and regulations, technical specifications for environmental protection acceptance of construction project completion, environmental impact report of the project and approval decisions of the approval authority, according to the monitoring report on environmental protection acceptance of the completion of the technical transformation project of the expanded forging production line and in accordance with the Interim Measures for Environmental Protection Acceptance of Construction Project Completion, and put forward the following opinions:

1、 Basic Information of the Project

(1) Construction site, scale and main construction contents

Hefei Yuanda Bearing Forging Co., Ltd. is located in the south of Hetong Road, Shangpai District, Taohua Industrial Park, Feixi County, Hefei City. The project is located in the southwest corner of Hefei Yuanda Bearing Forging Co., Ltd., covering an area of 1432 ㎡, mainly transforming the auxiliary warehouse in the southwest corner into a forging production area. The annual production of bearing forgings is 2.8 million sets. The main construction contents are press, reamer, heating furnace and other equipment and cooling water pool, and other auxiliary facilities rely on previous projects.

(2) Construction process and environmental protection approval

On July 20, 2017, Hefei Yuanda Bearing Forging Co., Ltd. entrusted Anhui Yushui Huayang Environmental Engineering Technology Co., Ltd. to prepare and complete the Environmental Impact Report of the Technical Transformation Project of the Expansion Forging Production Line; The Environmental Protection Bureau of Feixi County approved the project on September 4, 2017, with the approval number of FHJS [2017] No. 270. On January 29, 2018, Hefei Yuanda Bearing Forging Co., Ltd. entrusted Anhui Focus Analysis and Testing Technology Co., Ltd. to monitor the completion environmental protection acceptance of the technical transformation project of the expanded forging production line. In April 2018, Anhui Focus Analysis and Testing Technology Co., Ltd. prepared and completed the Environmental Protection Acceptance Monitoring Report on the Completion of the Technical Renovation Project of the Expanded Forging Production Line of Hefei Yuanda Bearing Forging Co., Ltd.

(3) Acceptance scope

The scope of this acceptance includes the auxiliary facilities for the production of 2.8 million sets of bearing forgings.

2、 Project changes

In order to reduce wastewater pollution discharge and production water consumption, the workshop cleaning water and equipment cooling water approved by the environmental assessment and approval are discharged into the sewage treatment plant after treatment. Instead, the workshop cleaning water and equipment cooling water are treated by the sewage treatment station in the plant area. One part of the workshop cleaning water and equipment cooling water are reused for chip liquid washing, and the other part is used as supplementary water for equipment cooling water. Other processes have not changed.

3、 Construction of environmental protection facilities

(1) Wastewater

The wastewater of this project mainly includes equipment cooling water, workshop cleaning wastewater and cutting fluid flushing wastewater, of which workshop cleaning wastewater and cutting fluid flushing wastewater are treated by the original wastewater treatment station; The equipment cooling water enters the circulating water tank.

(2) Exhaust gas

The quenching of this project relies on the natural gas boiler of the original project for heating. The natural gas is clean energy, with less pollution of combustion waste gas and less impact on the surrounding environment, so this acceptance is not considered.

(3) Noise

The noise of the Project mainly comes from the noise generated by the reamer and press during operation. Measures such as base vibration reduction and closed plant are adopted to reduce the noise.

(4) Solid waste

The solid wastes of this project mainly include scrap iron, waste engine oil, waste oily gauze and gloves in the production process.

4、 Commissioning effect of environmental protection facilities

(1) Wastewater

The measured items of wastewater discharged from the sewage treatment facilities of Hefei Yuanda Co., Ltd. meet the relevant standard limits. According to the analysis of pollutant concentration at the inlet and outlet, the wastewater treatment facilities have a good treatment effect and meet the requirements of up to standard discharge.

(2) Noise

The noise at the boundary of the project meets the requirements of Class II standard limits in Table 1 of the Emission Standard for Industrial Enterprises Noise at Boundary (GB12348-2008).

5、 Acceptance monitoring conclusion

(1) The effluent from the sewage treatment station in the plant area meets the washing water standard in the Quality of Industrial Water for Municipal Wastewater Recycling (GB/T 19923-2005).

(2) The effluent of domestic sewage treatment facilities in the plant area meets the takeover standard of Zhongpai Sewage Treatment Plant.

(3) The noise at the plant boundary shall meet the requirements of Class II standard limits in Table 1 of Emission Standard for Industrial Enterprises Noise at Boundary (GB12348-2008).

The environmental impact assessment system has been implemented for the project, the environmental protection review and approval procedures are complete, the pollution prevention measures have been basically implemented according to the requirements of the environmental assessment and the official reply, and the environmental protection acceptance conditions for the completion of the project have been basically met. It is agreed that the project has passed the environmental protection acceptance for the completion.

6、 Suggestions for further improvement of the project

1. Standardize the temporary storage of hazardous wastes and strengthen management;

2. Further strengthen the whole process management, strengthen the management and maintenance of production operation and environmental protection facilities, and ensure that the discharged pollutants meet the standard steadily.