
特殊的节日,温馨的祝福 Special holidays and warm wishes

Release time:2022-11-22

In March, everything recovers and spring is melting. On this day when flowers are in full bloom, we ushered in the beautiful "Happy Women's Day" - "March 8th" International Women's Day. On this special day, the company sends a gift to every female employee, giving them blessings and greetings. It is hoped that all female employees will have a "sunny mentality" and become a "healthy and happy woman".

Women workers are an integral part of the company's development, and their work is an important part of the Party's mass work. They play the role of "half the sky" in all the work of the company. They work with one heart and one mind to overcome difficulties and work hard. They have always closely linked their personal interests with the development of the company, fully demonstrated their heroine style and made extraordinary achievements in ordinary posts. We sincerely hope that all departments will continue to care about the development of women workers, support their work, and jointly create a good atmosphere conducive to the development of women workers' work.

On this beautiful holiday, I would like to extend my warm holiday greetings and best wishes to all female employees! I would like to express my heartfelt thanks and high respect to the women compatriots who have been silently sticking to their front line posts and making selfless contributions for a long time!

I wish all female employees of the company a happy holiday! good health! Happy family!